Why you need to use this kit: When you want to easily isolate purified gDNA from animal tissues, such as mouse tail or mouse ears or cultured cells, not just gDNA lysates, for PCR and SNP screening analysis, and you don't want to use of any centrifugation procedure or magnetic beads.
What the kit can do for you: The kit is designed to isolate purified gDNA with minimum procdure,. No spin or magnetic bead is needed. You just add your sample into a tube or a well of the plate, wait for 30 -60 min, and your get your gDNA after simple wash steps. About 50 ng -5 ug of purified gDNA can be isolated based on the resources of your samples. The purified gDNA is ideal for PCR and SNP screening analysis.
How the kit can accomplish this: Based on charm biotech developed Solid Surface Reversible Binding (SSRB)
technology, Just-a-Plate Charm-EZ system utilizes a 96-well plate or a tube coated with
proprietary turbo-binders acting to selectively capture and efficiently bind genomic DNA from tissue and cell lysates. In the presence of Binding Buffer
gDNA specifically interacts with the turbo binders and binds to the wells during the incubation step, while
proteins and other contaminants will remain in the solution. Unbound material is removed in
washing steps. The purified gDNA can easily be eluted in 10 mM Tris ElutionBuffer or water.